Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The path to using all natural beauty products - on a budget!

Let me give you a little background about what has caused me to try all-natural products. . .

I have been struggling with acne for the past 3 years now and it has affected me so much that I eventually went to the dermatologist. He blamed the progesterone in my IUD, recommended I get it removed, and also put my on doxycycline and spironolactone. I ignored his advice to remove the IUD, because it was the easiest birth control I had ever used, and my face was starting to clear up with the medicine I was prescribed. He also gave me some good advice that the harsh face wash products we use, dry out our skin, so our body produces more oil to moisturize our skin, and it is that oil that clogs our pores and causes acne.

One night I took the doxycycline really late and then went straight to bed, I was up that whole night with heartburn, but I ignored it. The next day whenever I ate food, it kind of stung when it went down my esophagus, but I ignored that feeling and continued eating my BUFFALO chicken wraps and taking my doxycycline before bed,(my face was clearing up I wasn't about to let some minor hiccup, like heartburn stop my treatment). The next few days, the pain increased to the point where EVERYTHING I ate and drank hurt, including water. I eventually went to the doctor, dehydrated and worn out from not being able to eat. The doctor put me on two antibiotics to treat the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, and prevacid - an antacid. She also reinforced the fact to STOP the doxycycline. After a week of sleeping in a chair, eating only bread and butter (once I could get anything down) and this horrible metal taste in my mouth the antibiotics caused, I finally started to feel better. But of course the antibiotics caused other infections, but a simple treatment with diflucan cleared that up.

After that experience, I called my gyn up and got the IUD out as soon as possible. I could be reading too much into this, but I had and IUD placed, the progesterone in the IUD caused acne. I used harsh chemicals to try and treat the acne, which only dried up my face and caused more acne. I took medicine for acne, which I didn't follow the directions for and caused other health issues. It all seemed to spiral out of control for me until the point where I was done. Done with medicine, done with chemicals, and done with artificial hormones. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes medication is unavoidable and beneficial - when prescribed by a doctor and the doctors instructions are followed.

While I was struggling with all of this, my mom had been telling her hairstylist about me and her hairstylist recommended all natural products. I have always been sensitive to some things IE cheap metal and harsh shampoo, causing dry itchy skin and occasional eczema of the scalp. When your body is reacting to these sensitivities, it is unable to put 100% effort on fighting other things - like acne. So my mom gave me some of her all-natural shampoo and conditioner (I am still searching for a cheap version) and Neutrogena body-oil (that stuff is awesome!).

Face Wash:

And then I stumbled on this blog, all about cleansing your face with oil. The whole idea is that oil dissolves oil, and it doesn't dry out your face so your skin isn't working overtime trying to produce oil, and an overproduction of oil will end up clogging your pores. Its all natural, and insanely cheap! Just extra virgin olive oil and Castor oil!
I use a 3:1 ratio of cold-pressed Castor oil to extra virgin olive oil, but she recommends a 1:1 ratio for people with normal skin and 1:3 ratio of cold-pressed Castor oil to extra-virgin olive oil for those with drier skin.
Step 1: run the hot water on your tap
Step 2: massage the oil mixture into your face (massaging your skin increases circulation which helps your scars heal)
Step 3: place a wash cloth under the hot water and then rest the wash cloth over your face until it cools (this steams your face, which opens up the pores). Repeat this step 1-2 more times.
Step 4: gently wipe your face clean with the wash cloth.
Do this every night, and in the morning just rinse your face with water. It's so easy! I've been doing it for two weeks now, and I don't have any new pimples and I even think my skin tone is more even.

Face scrub:

I had been using this lemon-sugar hand scrub for a while now, and after I read the previous blog, the though occurred to me to use this as a face scrub too.
I didn't exactly follow the directions, she recommends lemon juice or essential oil - I didn't get much scent out of the lemon juice and didn't want to put essential oil on my face so I just mixed extra virgin olive oil with sugar (salt works too) and it worked well. 
Just mix extra virgin olive oil and sugar (or salt) in a jar until the desired consistency (moist enough to spread on your face). I keep it in jar in my shower and just scrub my face (and anywhere else that needs exfoliating) once a week. It couldn't be any easier (or cheaper).

Face Mask:

This is a diy mask that I just tried tonight, and my face feels nice and smooth.
This mask is so simple, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tsp nutmeg, and 1 tsp cinnamon. Apply to your face and leave on for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water, while gently scrubbing to exfoliate. According to the blog above, nutmeg and honey act as anti-inflammatories, which reduce swelling and redness (great for acne scars), and the cinnamon and nutmeg exfoliate your face when you wash the mask off.

I'll keep you posted on my journey, especially as I find more budget-friendly all natural products.

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