Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hanging Basket Storage

This was a project I saw on pinterest and was so excited to do . . . but I didn't read any directions or take the time to measure anything, so it turned out to be a major pain. But it's done now and really helps with storage in my laundry room.
I found these baskets 50% off at Hobby Lobby, and just bought some twine from Home Depot. The spare twine will come in handy for fall decorating :). I attached the twine to a needle and threaded it through the baskets figuring I would tie knots under the baskets once I hung it and chose there permanent location. That was a big mistake - once you move one basket, the others shift, and there is four corners on each basket that shift! But I eventually got them all straightened out and tied knots in the twine at the right places.
Now that it is done, I have a better organization system for my laundry room!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Budget Bathroom Remodel Phase 2 - Painting and Staining!

I know we went a little backwards by tiling first and then painting, but my Uncle and Aunt came into town to help us tile, so we tiled first. Then painted the room Burnished Metal by Behr with a crisp white trim.

I have to say the bathroom looks completely different already. The tile floor looks amazing, and then adding a dark grey paint just transformed the room.

This is our laundry room, you'll have to ignore the really
old washing machine and lack of dryer
 We didn't want to spend he money on a new vanity, so we decided to stain it. I tried staining once before this and will never do it again, it was ugly and ended in tears. So Shaun graciously stepped up to the task and stained our vanity a dark walnut color.

I can't wait to put it all together!